Meeting Minutes – April 6, 2024

Meeting Location: Keith Bryan’s Shop, 43041 Moody Dixon Road, Prairieville
- Fellowship before meeting
- Collection of dues (Rick Albrecht) and selling of shirts and caps (Bill Carter)
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Harold Choate
Welcome and Introduction of Guests
Officer Reports:
- Vice-President – George Campagna- The location of the May meeting has been changed. We will be meeting at Robert Cheramie’s shop. He will be doing a presentation about using dominos to do cabinet face frames.
- Secretary – Harold Choate- We had 19 people at the March meeting. 3 of them were visitors. Rick is working on getting the club roster. He will finalize it once everyone has paid their dues. There is no new information about the FaceBook page however one interesting experience took place. An old friend of Terry Landry’s used it to reconnect with him.
- Treasurer – Rick Albrecht- Contact Rick for details. We had a number of large payments come due in March such as our website domain, Secretary of State registration, payment for the club banner so our balance is down somewhat.
- Webmaster – Open
- Community Service – Lee Owens- We had a sign up for building 4 gliding rockers for Volunteers of America. They will be built with treated lumber because they will be outdoors. The lumber was purchased in February and has been stored in Lee’s shop so it can dry out. It’s ready to use now. Lee bought plans for a double wide style gliding rocker. He didn’t feel comfortable putting the plans out without knowing how accurate they are so he built a rocker using them. Lee will deliver the wood and hardware next week. He will email the plans later today. We don’t have any projects pending at the moment. Lee and Jack Carmena are going to see some past clients to see if any of them have needs we can help with. Richard Robles repeated his request for someone to step up and learn how Lee does the work of being Community Service Director.
- Education Outreach – Open
New and Ongoing Club Business
- Dues- Rick Albrecht has contacted members who have not paid their dues. A couple of long time memers have advised they will not renew because they are too busy with other activities.
- Zoo- Richard Robles announced we are going to the Zoo tomorrow (April 7). George Campagna thanked everyone who made animal pencil holders. We have 550 in hand. Richard Robles, Jim Landry, Harold Choate, Rick Albrecht and George Campagna are going to work all day. Robert Cheramie, Art Miller and Lee Owens will be working part of the day. Bob Bewick is going to try to come in the afternoon. We have 4 drill presses. One will be used for the necklaces and 3 for the animal cut outs. Jim Landry made 300 necklaces. The kids will drill a hole for a ribbon to be used as a necklace. We have 3 canopies, and we should probably bring our own chairs. Richard Robles advised the Zoo will be providing 10-12 chairs, so we don’t need to bring any. The Zoo is also providing 2 tables. The event is scheduled for 9:30am-5:00pm. They have to escort us in and out of the Zoo, so we need to be there by 7:45am. We can bring 2 trucks in to haul the equipment. Once they are in the Zoo they have to stay for the day. Richard is sending driving directions for us to use to get to the parking lot. We are parking in the back lot not the main entrance. The Zoo has everyone’s name so just tell them who you are, and you will be allowed to come in. The Zoo is providing electrical power. Richard will bring coolers and water. If you want lunch, please bring your own. Otherwise, you can use the Zoo’s vendors. We will figure out how to set up to do the drilling when we know where we will be working. Discussion took place about how many holes and how deep to drill them. Onward and upward!
- St. James Place- St. James has asked us to come and provide their members with a woodworking activity. Richard advised them they have a shop the members could use. His contact didn’t know about the shop. They are going to look into the matter further and get back with us.
Members Questions/Concerns
Safety Topic– Use gloves when doing finish work. The contact with the chemicals is not healthy.
Skill Topic: Inlay Boxes – Cody Henderson
Please bring the following items to the meeting:
- Chairs,
- Item or project to show and/or describe for “Show-and-Tell”
There Will Be an Executive Meeting After the Main Meeting