Meeting Minutes – August 3, 2024

Meeting Location: PMC, 11420 Hwy. 190, Hammond
- Joint Meeting with St. Tammany club
- Fellowship before meeting
- Collection of dues (Rick Albrecht) and selling of shirts and caps (Richard Robles)
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Harold Choate
Welcome and Introduction of Guests– Wesley Smith, Levi Acy
Introduce St. Tammany Guild
Officer Reports:
- Vice-President – George Campagna- We’ll be at the West Baton Rouge Museum next month. The presenter will be a representative from the Behr finish company, Jason Allen. He will review the use of their products for us.
- Secretary – Harold Choate– We have over 50 people following us on Facebook, we had 20 people attend the meeting at West Baton Rouge Museum last month.
- Treasurer – Rick Albrecht- Contact Rick for details. We had 2 new members join last month.
- Webmaster – Open
- Community Service – Lee Owens- Lee said this may be his last report as Community Service Coordinator. Bob Pace is taking over that effort. The Foot Lockers for O’Brien House is the only active project. Harold Choate and Jim Landry are the Team Leaders for building the 10 foot lockers. Harold Choate reported he and Kevin Rodrigue got 4 cut out and assembled. Kevin injured his foot so Harold finished them off and delivered them. O’Brien House appreciated them. Harold thanked the person who drew up the plans. He advised that all the material except a small piece was used. Jim Landry advised his team should finish the 6 they are making and deliver them the following week. One of the St. Tammany members asked who is O’Brien House. Lee provided information about O’Brien House and details about the use of the foot lockers. Bob Pace was introduced as the new community service coordinator. Bob will be handling the Louisiana Arts and Science Museum (LASM) project. LASM is having an Egyptian exhibition. They need 2 platforms for the Sarcophaguses. They also want some cartouches. Jim Landry is working with them to come up with a design he can make on his laser engraving machine. In addition to the platforms and cartouches they want 30 floating shelves, 12″ x 12″ x 2″. Lee advised O’Brien House would like to have 40 more chest of drawers like the 20 we built for them last year. Lee has committed us to build 10 by the end of the year and more to follow as we have time. Lee invited the St. Tammany Club to join us. Some one from that group asked for us to send them the drawing so we’ll see if they wish to help.
- Education Outreach – Open
New and Ongoing Club Business
- Birdhouse Kits- Richard said some people already have the wood to make birdhouse kits. He has lumber with him today for anyone who wants to pick some up. We will get the balance of the wood distributed. The SwampFest contact has asked for a list of people who will be working at the festival along with their shirt size. Richard reminded us that the nail holes we’re drilling in the pieces are to be 7/64″ in diameter. The revised plans are on the website.
- Bowl Rounds. Richard asked anyone who is interested in getting some of the Bowl Rounds to talk to him about going to pick them up. We have advise the lady we can’t pay for them. She is still interested in getting rid of them for free.
- St. Tammany Business
Members Questions/Concerns
Safety Topic
Skill Topic: Hand Planes Restoration & Sharpening – Sonny Gonzales (STG)
Show-and-Tell – BRWC & St. Tammany Guild
Please bring the following items to the meeting:
- Item or project to show and/or describe for “Show-and-Tell”
There Will Be an Executive Meeting After the Main Meeting