Meeting Minutes – January 4, 2025

Meeting Location: Rural Life Museum, 4560 Essen Ln, Baton Rouge
- Fellowship before meeting
- Collection of dues (Rick Albrecht) and selling of shirts and caps (Lee Owens)
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Harold Choate
Welcome and Introduction of Guests-There were 23 members attending and 4 visitors.
Officer Reports:
- Vice-President – George Campagna reported a schedule change in presenters. There will be a Titebond glue representative making a presentation instead of one of the originally scheduled presenters at PMC. Please see the revised schedule on the website. Also, check regularly on the website for any future changes.
- Secretary – Lee Soileaux reported that as of December there was a total of 49 club members including 3 new members. The meeting itself was attended by 13 members and 3 visitors. Weather and seasonal activities probably accounted for the relatively sparse participation in the meeting. Harold Choate, previous secretary reporting on Facebook activity, reported that there are currently 633 followers on the club’s Facebook page. He also noted that he frequently gets inquiries from Facebook followers regarding learning how to do woodworking. So, the Facebook page is not only an opportunity to showcase members’ projects but also to develop ideas on how to reach out to this apparently untapped source of future woodworking interest. He encouraged members to think about this and let him know of any ideas for development they might have.
- Treasurer – Rick Albrecht reported that he had collected club dues from some members and would continue to do so until March. The ending balance in the club’s check account was $5640.86. Rick reported that a number of checks had cleared during the reporting period and that the Louisiana Arts and Science Museum had paid for the project the club completed for them. Other sources of revenue included $300 for membership dues and $100 for T-shirt sales. Rick read to the club membership a letter form the President and CEO of VOA in Baton Rouge expressing their appreciation for the club’s continuing support of the VOA and its ongoing efforts to provide for those less fortunate within our community. The four porch swings built by club members were mentioned specifically and the VOA clients’ enjoyment of these swings was indicated.
- Webmaster – Open
- Community Service – Bob Pace reports that he has had some volunteers for helping him but that he could use more. Teams are continuing to work on the remaining dressers for the O’Brien House project. Now that it is January Bob will be contacting prospective clients for future projects. This is one example where he could use some assistance. Contacting clients can be time consuming and is probably best done with two making the initial contact. Bob is quite capable but there is much to be done, more than for one man. Please volunteer to help Bob with whatever you can do to help him.
- Education Outreach – Open
New and Ongoing Club Business
- Dues for 2025- already covered by the Treasurer Rick Albrecht.
- WBR Christmas Festival Update- Club President, Richard Robles reported that the event was supported by a number of club members including Mark Monistere, George Campagna, Bob Pace, Lee Owens, and Jim Landry. He said that it was a success and the youngsters who participated were well pleased. Thanks to all who participated.
- Zoo Event in April- George Campagna, vice-president, asked for volunteers to help with the annual Baton Rouge Zoo “birthday” in April. Volunteers will be needed to cut out the 2×4 animal figurines using templates provided to the volunteer, to attend the event and serve in various capacities, and volunteers who have bench top drill presses to bring to the event. George said that the 2×4 material can be standard dimensional lumber or scrap lumber obtained by “dumpster diving”. The figurines are each about 6″ long and George estimated that about 16 figurines could be cut out of a standard 8 foot 2×4. George will be sending out an email asking for volunteers and what they can do in terms of the above requirements. Last year there were approximately 250 figurines and pendants made and a whole lot of happy kids. But, he stressed the importance of safety especially with some of the younger participants. He estimated that there would probably be 2 volunteers needed at each drill press station, one to instruct and another to make sure inquiring hand and fingers don’t go where they shouldn’t. The kids are thrilled to drill the holes in their figurine but are not well versed in safety. There will also be a need for relief volunteers, volunteers to move materials, and to shepherd kids to and from the stations. The event is scheduled for the weekend of April 5th on a Sunday and will extend from 9:00 to 5:00. Volunteers can stay for the whole day or volunteer for a half-day, either morning or afternoon. George will be sending out an email to members to solicit volunteers for the Baton Rouge Zoo Event. Please volunteer if you can, thanks.
- Community Service Helpers- Richard Robles repeated a call for a volunteer to help Bob Pace. One new member has volunteered but Bob could use one more. He also reinforced George’s call for volunteers for the Baton Rouge Zoo event.
- Lee Owens still has some club T-shirts for sale. Please see him if you would like to purchase some T-shirts.
Members Questions/ConcernsSafety Topic– An unspecified member told of his harrowing experience with his band saw throwing a chunk of wood back toward him and about 6 feet before it came to a stop. Unfortunately, the bowl blank from which he was trying to remove some protrusions with his band saw was no longer useful. He was, however, unhurt. He said that he had always regarded his band saw as one of the safest tools in his shop relative to his table saw or miter saw. He has since revised this opinion. He advised club members to carefully consider any power tool operation before starting the operation. Good advice.
Skill Topic: Through Tenons & Hand Cut Mortises – Harold Choate
Show-and-Tell There were 4 members who brought projects/tools to Show-and-Tell.
There was an Executive Meeting After the Main Meeting