Meeting Minutes – March 2, 2024

Meeting Location: David Ringuette’s Shop, 26530 John L. Lane, Denham Springs
- Fellowship before meeting
- Collection of dues (Rick Albrecht) and selling of shirts and caps (Bill Carter)
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome and Introduction of Guests– Russell Raborn, Tylus Smith, Maggie Smith
Officer Reports:
- Vice-President – George Campagna- Thanks to Nick Gray, Bosch Tool representative for doing today’s Skill Topic. We’re at Keith Bryan’s shop next month, Cody Henderson will do a presentation on Inlaid Boxes. Bill Carter has advised he will not be able to do the presentation he was scheduled to do. George Lewis and George Campagna are still working on planning a field trip later in the year. Other than those things the schedule remains set as planned.
- Secretary – Harold Choate- absent
- Treasurer – Rick Albrecht- Contact Rick for details. We have 39 members currently enrolled. We will update and finalize the role at the end of April.
- Webmaster – Open
- Community Service – Lee Owens- We have a project for VOA for the house where the dining room table is located. We started out talking about rocking chairs but that changed to glider rockers in order to make it easier for people in wheelchairs or using walkers to use the rocking chairs. We are building 4 of them. Lee advised VOA we wouldn’t be able to start till we’ve done the Zoo weekend. Hopefully we can finish them by the end of May. Bill Ray (?) with VOA has a donation from Home Depot so that is where we will get the wood. Lee has purchased a set of plans. The plans are for a 2-person glider, but we are shrinking the size down for one person to use the chair. We are getting the hardware off the internet because it is 1/3 the cost of the Home Depot price. If you want to volunteer, please sign up and indicate if you are willing to use your shop to build a chair and the days of the week you are available to work. We are going to use treated lumber to build these chairs. Richard Robles asked again for someone to volunteer to be Lee’s backup.
- Education Outreach – Open
New and Ongoing Club Business
- Please take a look at the double-sided banner the club has purchased to use at public events. Thanks to Jim Landry for the work, he did in acquiring it. Rick Albrecht said he had a check for Jim to reimburse him for the cost of the banner.
- Richard Robles asked if anyone took advantage of buying the cypress a lady had for sale. Apparently, no one did.
- Zoo Project- Richard sent in the whole club roster so everyone is registered if they wish to work the event. Only the trucks hauling the kits and equipment will be allowed to drive in. We will have power for the drills. If someone can bring a tent, we may need it because we have no idea what the area, we’ll be working in is like. We’ll use the birdhouse tables to work off of. We’ll need a copy of the insurance cards for anyone who is bringing their truck in. George Campagna said we have 490 animals as of this meeting. He is going to circulate a signup sheet for anyone who wasn’t at the last meeting or wants to make more animals or has a drill press we can use. Please bring any animals you have to the next meeting. Please indicate if you have a drill press you can bring. We’re thinking of about 4 stations. George Campagna is going to get the 3/8″ brad point drill bits to use. We need some way to clamp the animals, so they don’t twist while being drilled. Richard will bring water for us to have while we’re working. 9:30-5:00 is the time involved on April 7.
- St. James Place- We have been contacted about doing some kind of project with the residents of St. James Place. A craft project we can work together on is the idea. Making 3 benches was discussed. BRWC would cut out the pieces. We would work with the St. James residents to assemble them. They would be responsible for painting or finishing them after they are assembled. Are we interested in working with them? Richard will call them to see if they are interested in making some bird house kits.
Members Questions/Concerns
Safety Topic– Dust management while cutting out the animals for the Zoo and other projects. Don’t breathe the sawdust, it ain’t good for you!
Skill Topic: Bosch Tools & Accessories – Bosch Rep Nick Gray
Please bring the following items to the meeting:
- Item or project to show and/or describe for “Show-and-Tell”
- Bring your chairs