Meeting Minutes – November 2, 2024

Meeting Location: Terry Landry’s Shop, 5279 LA 63, Clinton, LA
17 attending, 1 visitor
- Fellowship before meeting
- Collection of dues (Rick Albrecht) and selling of shirts and caps (Lee Owens)
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance – Harold Choate
Welcome and Introduction of Guests, 1 visitor
Officer Reports:
- Vice-President – George Campagna- The December meeting will be at West Baton Rouge Museum. The Skill Topic will be Handheld CNC Router operation. Bill Carter is the presenter. We are putting our 2025 meeting plans together. If any of you will be willing to do a presentation, please get with me.
- Secretary – Harold Choate- Last month was our tool swap so we didn’t take roll. 20 people attended the September meeting. I hope the rest of you did as well with the tool swap as I did. I wound up with some beautiful mortise chisels that I’ll be bring to Show and Tell next year. We had 8 new people following our Facebook Page. Please send me your projects so we can post them on the page.
- Treasurer – Rick Albrecht- Contact Rick for details.
- Webmaster – Open
- Community Service – Bob Pace- Bob was unable to be at the meeting so Lee Owens gave the Community Service report. Lee asked for status for the O’Brien House Chest of Drawers. George Campagna advised his team had not started and due to some health issues probably would not have them finished this year. Ken Brown reported they have the sides completed and are working on the rest. They should be finished soon. Art Miller and Keith Bryan haven’t started yet. They are teaming up with Harold Choate to build 4 chests of drawers. Harold’s partner, Robert Cheramie has had to drop out because of health issues. Lee Owens advised he and George Lewis recently delivered 2 chests of drawers to O’Brien House. Lee reported everything went real well with 6 of the 8 drawers. The last 2 drawers were too wide and the drawer guides jammed up before they got fully closed. After days of trying to figure out what was wrong George and Lee realized the drawer guide sides were too far apart allowing the drawer guide on the drawer to drop out. Once this was corrected everything worked great.
- Education Outreach – Open
New and Ongoing Club Business
- Richard Robles advised that Lee Owens will be responsible for the club shirts and caps. In the future, please see Lee Owens if you want Tee shirts or caps. Jim Landry told us about the opportunity to get youth tee shirts. If you want to order a shirt for any of your children or grandchildren, please see Jim Landry about quantities and sizes.
- Tool Swap- Richard Robles stated how much he enjoyed the Tool Swap. He thanked Mark Monistere for making arrangements for the place it was held.
- Birdhouse Kit QC-Richard Robles showed some examples of parts for bird houses that were very shoddy. Other parts did not include the necessary angles for assembly and/or the hole for the entry was drilled very roughly. Richard told the group that they could work with one another if an individual doesn’t have the necessary tools, knowledge or experience to do a good job. The bottom line is we need to take pride in what we are producing.
- WBR Museum Festival-We need 3 or 4 people to work at the West Baton Rouge Museum on Dec. 13 for 2 hours. Richard Robles, George Campagna, Rick Albrecht, Jim Landry and Lee Owens have volunteered to work.
- Election of Officers- Richard Robles- President, George Campagna- Vice President, Lee Soileaux- Secretary, Keith Bryan and Cody Henderson will be Members at Large, Rick Albrecht- Treasurer. This slate of officers was elected by acclamation.
Members Questions/Concerns
Safety Topic– Jim Landry’s son is a fireman. His son told him about an accident a man had operating a tablesaw. Richard Robles shared about his accident with a saw. Jackie Parker also shared about his accident with a saw. The point of the topic is be care using a table saw. Harold Choate pointed out the use of jigs will help avoid the danger of making some of these cuts.
Skill Topic: Furniture Design & Pricing – Terry Landry
Please bring the following items to the meeting:
- Item or project to show and/or describe for “Show-and-Tell”
- Bring your chairs.
There Will Be an Executive Meeting After the Main Meeting